Have you had a chance to download the FREE list of Top Priority Items PTO’s Are Spending Money On? I surveyed several parents involved in PTO/PTAs and asked them why their group raises money. Then compiled the most popular responses into that one concise list for you. Once you know what you need to purchase, the next is to develop a PTO budget that will provide a blueprint of how to get there.
A PTO budget is a list of items that a fundraising group anticipates spending money on (Expenses) and a list of events that will help them raise the money (Income) to pay for those expenses.
Every PTO/PTA should develop a balanced budget prior to the start of the school year. A balanced budget is one where the projected Expense column equals (to the penny) the Income Column. Think of the two columns like a see-saw. When both sides are equal, the see-saw balances perfectly.
Following is a sample PTO Budget. The Projected numbers are filled in prior to the start of the school year and act as your plan. The Actual Income and Expenses are filled in throughout the year.

I cannot tell you how important it is to develop a PTO Budget prior to the start of the school year to avoid disputes later. Then all PTO members vote to approve (or make adjustments to) the budget until everyone is in agreement with the plan.
If you missed the list of Top Priorities PTOs Are Spending Money On, you can download it here. Just click the image, enter your email and you’ll receive immediate access…
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