Have you noticed that every few years your life goes through major changes? You graduated high school and went to college. You got a new job. Then another new job. You got married. Had kids. Maybe started a business. Before each of these new major life changes did you notice signs that they were coming? Are you listening when the universe sends you signs?
When the Universe Sends You Signs
The universe seems to give subtle hints that change is on its way and it’s leading you in a new direction. You may meet someone new, try a new hobby, or read an inspiring book. You may start thinking about future plans that will happen… someday. You may walk by a vacant storefront after years of thinking you’d love to open a store of your own. Or, maybe a friend asks you to teach a class and you realize you love teaching.
If those hints from the universe are a bit too subtle for you, the universe may take it upon itself to give you a much more obvious kick in the pants. Well, that’s exactly what’s happened to me and why you haven’t heard much from me lately. It’s because things are changing and I’ve been trying to figure them out.
Thinking About the Future
I’m one of those people that’s always thinking at least least ten years into the future. Will I want to and will I be able to refinish furniture in ten or fifteen years? All of the heavy lifting may get to be too much as I get older.
So for the past year I’ve been thinking about what I might be able to add to my portfolio now to diversify to make the transition from painting to something new a natural progression.
You may have noticed I’ve re-organized the Entri Ways website a bit to include not just Home and refinished furniture, but also School (fundraising) and Running a Creative Business. I’m very, very slowly adding content under these subjects.
Some of you may already know that prior to Entri Ways, I started and built a website called PTO Ideas. PTO Ideas was an instruction manual for parent groups to fundraise, plan events, and operate better. I did this for six years before I needed a change, but in that time, wrote some incredibly valuable information that I’m now working to bring back.
I’m realizing I have so much knowledge to share with you all about my experiences and have actually started books and courses on the subjects. But, I just haven’t been able to get them finished. I keep setting deadlines and pushing those deadlines further out. This has been going on for more than a year.
On top of that, this past Fall I started a part-time job at our local Boys & Girls Club doing finance work. Somehow I always find my way back to nonprofits and am realizing that I really enjoy being part of the community again.
I also recently re-activated my Real Estate Sales license. My family has operated a successful commercial real estate firm for over 40 years. My license was something I got just after college figuring I might like to someday follow in their footsteps. Getting married, a move, and kids were a priority for many years instead. It just never seemed to happen until now. The universe seemed to line all of the ducks up in a neat little row for me.
So you can see I’ve been thinking about the changes to Entri Ways, thinking about bringing back the fundraising content, and getting my feet wet with the commercial real estate, but haven’t jumped head-first into really focussing on any one of these because I was still busy painting furniture.
And the signs were there. Over the past nine months the universe actually presented me with two new job opportunities that allowed me to not give up but expand on my current business.
Real Estate = Entri Ways + Home + Home Business
Boys & Girls Club = Nonprofit + Fundraising
So why haven’t I finished the content for you?!
I’m guessing the universe was thinking the same thing and that’s why it gave me a kick in the pants a few weeks ago.
The Not-So-Subtle Kick In The Pants
My son and I were in a major car accident. We were driving on the highway on a rainy day and someone hit us from behind. My guess is they hydroplaned and lost control of their car. All I know is our SUV was suddenly sent spinning out of control. We hit the jersey barrier and the guardrail. The car was totaled but thank God we walked away from the accident.
Yup… that was a huge kick in the pants from the universe!
I am grateful beyond belief that we and the other party involved in the accident were not seriously injured or killed. But, without going into too much detail, there are now some issues with my dominant hand and shoulder.
Ok universe… so your subtle hints over the past year were not getting thru to me so you had to make it more difficult for me to physically refinish furniture. Hmmmm? Ok, I’m getting it! You want me to spend more time learning new skills and getting my content written.
So there it is.
Inspiration For You
And then, to top it off, as I was already half way through this post, my best friend texted me to say she was reading this book and thought I should read it…
A Weekend to Change Your Life: Find Your Authentic Self After a Lifetime of Being All Things to All People
Are you listening to the subtle signs the universe may be sending you to make a change in your life? It may be a book you read, a podcast you listened to, and person you met. It may be related to your work, your family, or your health.
Whatever it is, when the universe sends you subtle signs, you better listen.
Aaah…The Universe. So true.
My 16yr old son recently stopped me one night as we stepped out to walk the dog under a star-filled night sky. He stopped looked up, nodded, and randomly said “really puts things in perspective, huh Mom?” We really are a part of a greater whole – and can gently make our shifts, especially when we listen and hear these these micro-signals to help us navigate.
…and I’m loving that book so far. It’s a fun exploration and soulful. Great share!