Did you know that if you write something down you’re significantly more likely to do it? Setting goals you can work toward is critical to moving forward in life rather than remaining stagnant. Your future goals may be as simple as planting a garden, planning a vacation, or cleaning out the garage or they can be much more lofty – starting and growing your own business, acheiving better health, or saving to build your dream home.
I’m going to keep some immediate goals rather simple today with a Fall Bucket List, but then also talk about why it’s so important to write down your goals. So here’s a list you can print out to hang on your refrigerator and also save to your Pinterest board.
Writing down your goals is just as important as the process of carrying them out. Writing down your goals will…
Define exactly what you want
If you’re not clear on what you want, then you’re more likely to stumble along the way as you figure it out. The best example of this is writing a business plan prior to actually starting a business. Writing down exactly what that business is, it’s purpose, and how it will operate and make money gives the entreprenuer a clear vision of the steps to carry out to make the buinesss a success.
Motivate you to take action
We all go through phases – creative, organizational, communication, and instinctive phases. We also have mind blocks and days we are completely unproductive because we’re not sure what to do next, but writing down your goals keeps you moving forward toward them.
Provide a filter for other opportunities
As you become more successful, more and more opportunities will present themselves. Having your goals clearly written down will keep you on your path and help your filter out the distractions that aren’t in-line with your goals.
Help you overcome resistance
You will face obstacles along the way. Challenges and life changes will happen. You may be saving for that trip to Europe you’ve always wanted to take, but suddenly you need a new oil burner for your home or your kids need help paying for college. Things may get a bit sidetracked, but they are still on the goal list!
Allow you to celebrate your successes
As you reach each goal, congratulate yourself. It’s a big deal! You worked hard and you deserve celebrate.
Your goals may be as simple as going on a hay ride with your kids this Fall or as complicated as starting your own business. Whatever they are, write them down. Frame them. Read them every week! Hold yourself accountable. You’ll will accomplish your goals!
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