Let’s face it, even in blogger land, we don’t really have time to clean every day. We may appear to always be in perfect home harmony, but in reality, we’re busy Moms too.
What we do have are the tips that can help get you as close to that unimaginable home harmony as you think we have!
Yesterday, I shared with you My 30-Minute Morning Clean Routine and the six things I do to get my home in order at the start of every day. If you missed it, you can read it here.
Of course there are days when this simple routine just doesn’t cut it. There are days when the shoes, coats, backpacks, blankets, books, laundry baskets, and charging wires are scattered throughout the house.
Don’t despair! There is one thing you can do in under 10 minutes to instantly de-clutter your house.
Believe it or not, it’s that simple. Pick everything up off the floor.
Doing this one thing can transform a room.
I’m not talking about taking the time to vacuum and mop the floors. While that would be ideal and I love to vacuum and have clean floors, today’s tip is about how to instantly make your home feel less cluttered.
I’m not even talking about putting it all away if you don’t have the time (although putting it away as you pick it up is best).
I’m just talking about clearing the floors to give your home the appearance of being clutter-free. So pick it up and and put in a laundry basket or on the table.
My hallway is a constant dumping ground for shoes, backpacks, and coats. Every day I think about building open lockers and a bench in this hallway to have a place for the kids to drop there things as they walk in the house.
For now, I settle for keeping the floor area clear.
This bedrooms are are prime dumping ground for clothes and laundry baskets. After you make the bed, clear the floors. Even if this means piling the baskets and clothes on the bed until you get to them later. At least the room will feel clearer for the day.
For an instant de-clutter feel, simply clear your floors!
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