Think positive thoughts, focus on your goals, and your dreams will come true! When you think about the same thing over and over does it seem to come to life? It could be a future goal… running into a friend you haven’t seen in years… or affording that vacation you’ve been dreaming about. For me, it was finding a set of kids chairs to pair with a table I’d refinished a few weeks prior.
Remember a few weeks ago when I refinished the Kids Thanksgiving Table? Since then, I’ve been focussed on finding the perfect set of kids’ chairs to go with it. And then, all of a sudden, a very kind woman posted some kids’ tables and chairs on CraigsList.
Aren’t they amazing!
These chairs were meant for me. (Or, at least until I refinished them for you.) They were exactly what I’d had pictured in my mind. The power of postive thoughts ladies. Thinking positive thoughts and focussing on a goal can help them come true!
These chairs belonged to a very nice family from a neighboring town. Sadly, she was cleaning out her Dad’s home and getting it ready for sale. She said the tables and chairs were hers when she was a child. Without guessing her age, but assuming she’s at least my age or older, means these chairs are around 50 years old.
They are solid wood which means I was able to completely sand them down and re-stain them. Minwax English Chestnut gave the chairs a deep, rich tone. Then I brushed on a coat of Minwax satin polyurethane. These chairs are now ready to last another 50 years easily.
She also passed along to me two tables that as a kid she used as a child along with the chairs. I’ll show you those tomorrow. You’ll find all of them for sale in Entri Ways’ online Shop very soon.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links to products I use myself.
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