Re-creating a naturally-aged finish has become one of my specialties – particularly on tables. There’s something about a heavy, chunky, solid wood table that’s been around for centuries that seems to bring with it family, stories, struggles, and laughs to every dinner that was ever hosted there. So when I come across an older table that’s been used and discarded I always think about how I can refinish it to last another 100 years – just like was done with this natural oak dining table.

There have been so many things taking place simultaneously in my life – painting the interior of our house, installing new light fixtures, painting & staining our deck, college graduation, commercial real estate marketing. My head has been spinning and my stress level has been measuring a little high.
I’ve been trying to eat well, take vitamins, listening to relaxing meditation podcasts, and find time to rest. And I discovered French Vanilla tea. I had it at a local cafe recently and have been hooked since. You can grab it Amazon by clicking the image:

Anyway, with so much going on, It felt good to focus on one large refinishing project and get back to delivering to you one of my signature pieces.

The solid oak table had a medium brown stain and a coat of an oil-based polyurethane. Several hours of sanding later, we have a finished naturally-aged, old world oak dining table.
The next few photos show the finished table. If you’d like the specific details how to create this naturally-aged finish, please download the complete ebook which takes you step-by-step through this sanding technique: (click the image)
Included in this ebook the exact clear topcoat I use with this finish. It’s the one topcoat I’ve found that does not discolor the sanded wood.


These thick pedestal posts are what elevate this oak table from average to extraordinary. Aren’t they stunning?!





This natural oak dining table is now for sale in Entri Ways’ online shop.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products I use myself.
This is absolutely stunning! I so want to do this to my old farmhouse style table even though it wouldn’t match the style of my piece. I just want to have this look in my home! You have inspired me!
Thank you so much. I’ve used this on many different pieces (dining tables and dressers made into sideboards). I’ve found that the chunkier the furniture, the better this style fits the piece. You can see all of those examples in the ebook at