My home is a typical New England Colonial and has more than 25 windows! Dressing those windows is quite an expense, so it’s important to find economical ways to customize ready-made curtains to achieve a high-end custom look. Here are five easy ways to take lesser-expensive, ready-made curtains and make them appear to be handmade just for your home.
Lengthen With Lace
Elsie and Emma over at A Beautiful Mess, featured Katie Shelton’s article showing how she lengthened curtain panels without sewing. We love this post as it’s a great example of how to use ready-made curtains and still achieve a custom fit.
As you can see in their photos, they started with a very basic sheer curtain panel – perhaps even a linen blend. If you click over to their full post, you’ll see exactly how they took out the bottom hem and used adhesive fabric tape to adhere two different lace trims along the bottom edge. They now have a custom look without the custom budget.
Trim & Tie With Ribbons
In addition to lengthening a curtain panel, trim can also be added to any curtain panel to customize it for your home. You can see how this lilac ribbon was added along the top and bottom edges to achieve the perfect length. Now the curtains just barely kiss the window sill. The ribbon along the top edge showcases beautiful ties.
Square-Off a Standard Shower Curtain
Shower curtains have always been made in a standard 72-inch square size. While that length may cover the opening of a standard bath tub, the trend toward walk-in showers have floor-to-ceiling openings. Adding a ribbon or fabric boarder to a standard shower curtain covers that opening more completely.
Dual Contrasting Panels
Solid curtain panels tend to be more economical than intricate prints. Purchasing two different colors of solid panels and then combining them can accomplish two things – adding length and adding style.
Here, see how a chocolate colored panel was combined with an orange for a custom floor-to-ceiling curtain.
Length doesn’t always have to be added at the bottom edge of a curtain panel. Here, the secondary color was sewn onto the top to draw your eye toward the ceiling.
Triple Panel Purchase
For an even more dramatic statement, try combining multiple solid panels in colors that complement your room. Here, homeowners purchased three shorter panels (1-off-white; 1-teal, and 1-beige) and divided each of them in two to create two substantial, full-length panels that beautifully frame french doors.
If custom-made curtains are beyond your budget, visit your local curtain shop and ask to see their solid curtain panel options. A little imagination combined with a little fabric tape can help you achieve the custom look you dream of within the budget you an afford.
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