Have you been following along for the past few days as I share my recent trip to South Lake Tahoe, California? If you missed the first two posts about this recent business trip, you can see the mega mansion we stayed in in Part 1 and the bears in Part 2. Today, I’ll take you down to the water’s edge of Lake Tahoe.
This business trip was a retreat for fourteen like-minded women entrepreneurs. Our days were filled with inspirational and reflective lectures with lots of downtime to get to know these amazing, motivated women.
Carrie, and Hannah offer business coaching.
Elysia and Carla are mindset coaches with expertise in video production.
Paula is an incredible abstract artist who teaches others her God-given gift.
Roni helps women re-gain their health and confidence through fitness.
Lisa is a social media and engagement expert.
Sam has taken her love of numbers and teaches bookkeeping skills and tax prep.
Dorene is a branding expert who digs deep to discover inner values and brings them forth as she helps develop a company’s brand image.
And many, many more

The real value for me was in getting to know these women, what they do, discover where they are in their journey, and realize that while I still have a ways to go, I am much further along than I thought I was prior to getting on that plane.
Today, as a I write this, I feel more confident and ready to proceed forward with all I want to bring you through Entri Ways and Ways to Fundraise.
So hold onto your sea horses… Here I come!

The day after we arrived at the mansion, Nicole knew we were all itching to see Lake Tahoe up close.
We all loaded into the 12-person van (and two cars) and drove down the steep road to the pine-tree covered flats that lead out to the water.
We parked along the side of the road at a rather inconspicuous spot and walked into the woods.
The massive pine trees that stood tall overhead surprised me because they had few lower limbs. The first set of tree limbs on these massive trees were about 12 feet off the ground.

And little ground cover (compared to the forests of New England) made walking along the paths clear and easy.

As we walked out from under the trees and onto the beach, this is what we saw…




Doesn’t that rock on the left look like the face of a dolphin?


The first lecture that day took place at the water’s edge where we could all relax and breathe deeply.



Do you feel the power of the Lake?
Stay tuned for more on Lake Tahoe… Emerald Bay… Eagle Falls… and the wedding.
Oh so beautiful!