Hello Friends! I have an amazing tip for your today. A treat that could change the way you furnish your home or help if you’ve ever wanted to refinish furniture. So be sure to read all the way to the end…
Have you ever taken an online course? I have. I thrive on them!
Even with all of my years of college, the online courses created by bloggers like myself are some of the most intensive, concise, information-filled, life-changing classes I’ve ever taken.
Because online courses from bloggers are targeted to the very specific things we need to learn at that moment in our life. That thing that will get us over the next hurdle and keep us moving forward.
But you have to be careful about the courses you buy or you could end up spending as much as a college education.
Today, I’m here to tell you about a video series that could change the way you furnish your home. It’s a series of instructional videos – call it a class – call it a course if you like. I call it amazing because it will teach you how to refinish furniture and custom-design pieces specifically to fit your style and your home or help you get started flipping furniture – whichever you have in mind.
I actually have a 50-page instruction manual in the works with all of my pro furniture refinishing tips. Ultimately, I would love to turn this into a series of instruction videos so you could actually SEE my techniques on-demand when you’re ready to see them.
But honestly, the task is daunting. And with my other marketing jobs as busy as they are right now, all those videos are just not something I can get done in the immediate future.
Well, my friend Val Frania did get them done. She did them first and she did them right. And I’m not afraid to tell you about it.
When I got her announcement earlier this week, my first thought was… she just created one of my dream products.
I’m so proud of her because as soon as I saw her Furniture Flipping Blueprint and all that she included in it, I understood the incredible amount of work that went into creating it. I actually got sympathy pains in my gut and thought… “Wow! That was ton of work!”
For the past 2 years, Val has been working on furniture refinishing tutorials that include short, segmented videos with detailed instruction and pro tips. Everything from prepping, painting, staining, and top coating to the specific products she uses and everything in between.
With all of my years of experience – and it did take years of experience to learn how to refinish furniture right – I now consider myself a professional furniture refinisher.
And trust me when I say, Val created this course right.
You may be able to read on Entri Ways about the hundreds of pieces of furniture I’ve refinished over the years, but Val has brought all that instruction into one place.
Am I worried about the competition? Heck No!
When my blogger friends create something amazing, I need to share it with you. And Val is happy to share a commission with me if I send you over and you purchase her Furniture Flipping Blueprint. We lift each other up that way – it’s my favorite part about the blogging industry.
Look… I could tell you to go to Entri Ways and read my hundreds of blog posts, but I want what’s best for you.
Whether you want to refinish and flip furniture as a business or you want to furnish your home with beautiful, custom pieces that will last decades, the Furniture Flipping Blueprint is a great investment in you.
So go check out Val’s Furniture Flipping Blueprint now.
Have an amazing day and Think Creatively!
Entri Way
P.S. Don’t forget to grab my FREE ebook HERE. I tell you exactly where to Find Furniture to Refinish.
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